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Yefim Boars
Yefim Boars

A DIY Sprinkler Controller Using An ESP8266 [TOP]

There is something strangely amusing about the idea of a sprinkler system relying on a cloud. But it was this limitation in some commercial offerings that led [Zack Lalanne] to create his own controller when it was time to upgrade his aging irrigator.

A DIY Sprinkler Controller Using An ESP8266

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You can also use a MCP23017 instead of a shift register and directly address the outputs. You can add up to 128 I/O, 16 per chip. Only two I/O is needed to communicate to all the expander chips using I2C. Same I/O gets real time clock data from a DS3231 chip. All data is displayed on a web page hosted on the controller. Details and other applications are here:

OpenSprinkler is an open-source, web-based smart sprinkler controller for lawn and plant watering, drip irrigation, farm irrigation, hydroponics etc. The current version is OS 3.2, with built-in WiFi (based on ESP8266) and OLED display. You can choose between AC-powered, DC-powered, or Latch version. OpenSprinkler supports a variety of solenoid valves (24VAC, Latch, DC, motorized ball valve etc.) Take a look at FAQs for common questions, and Getting Started Guide for details of version 3.2. Among the new features, 3.2 supports built-in WiFi (ESP8266), Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update, and 2 independent sensors.

OpenSprinkler is an open-source, web-based smart sprinkler controller for lawn and plant watering, drip irrigation, farm irrigation, hydroponics etc. OpenSprinkler is accessible through any modern browser or via our free mobile app available for most mobile platforms. The current version is OS 3.2, with built-in WiFi (based on ESP8266) and OLED display. You can choose between AC-powered, DC-powered, or Latch version. OpenSprinkler supports a variety of solenoid valves (24VAC, Latch, DC, motorized ball valve etc.) Take a look at FAQs for common questions, and Getting Started Guide for details of version 3.2. Among the new features, 3.2 supports built-in WiFi (ESP8266), Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update, and 2 independent sensors.

I was a bit apprehensive about using a ESP8266 based controller but I purchased the new rev 3.0AC unit and an expansion board. I have done Arduino ESP8266 projects in the past and know that this system is fairly good but sometimes can go offline and requires a reboot. I tested the sytem in my office for a few weeks to convince myself that the system would be solid. It passed all my tests so I removed my old Hunter controller and installed the new OS3.0AC system.

ChatGPT: OpenSprinkler is an open-source, web-based sprinkler controller for watering gardens, lawns, and other outdoor areas. It allows users to automate their irrigation systems and customize watering schedules through a web interface or a smartphone app. The controller can be programmed to turn on and off sprinkler valves at specified times, and can also be integrated with weather data to adjust watering schedules based on local weather conditions. OpenSprinkler is designed to be easy to install and use, and is compatible with a wide range of sprinkler valve systems.

OpenSprinkler is a sprinkler controller that allows users to automate their irrigation systems and customize watering schedules through a web interface or a smartphone app. The controller is connected to a network and can be accessed remotely, allowing users to control their irrigation systems from anywhere with an internet connection.

In addition to being able to set custom watering schedules, OpenSprinkler also offers a number of advanced features that make it easy to optimize watering schedules and conserve water. For example, the controller can be programmed to turn on and off sprinkler valves based on local weather data, such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation. This helps ensure that plants are watered at the optimal times, while also minimizing water waste.

OpenGarage is an open-source, WiFi-enabled garage door opener that allows users to remotely control their garage doors using a web interface or smartphone app. It consists of a microcontroller board with an embedded web server and a relay, which is used to activate the garage door opener.

We will use WiFi as the interface to the DIY controller. The NodeMCU 1.0 board provide a cheap microcontroller which we can program to receive commands from a Home Automation system for controlling the zones (relays). The board comes with its own regulator to convert 5V DC to 3.3V DC so we can power the board using the VIN and GND pins. The 3.3V power is useful for powering the shift register as well, as all logic on the NodeMCU is done at 3.3V. We need 8 general purpose IO pins (GPIO pins), one for each zone of our DIY contoller. One downside of the ESP8266 is there is not a lot of (GPIOs). As you can see Nodemcu 1.0 (Lolin) does not have enough GPIO pins to accomodate our project so we will use the shift register (chip 74HC595). A shift register works by taking in data using serial communication to control additional IOs. These shift registers can be cascaded. So if you need to create a 16 zone DIY controller you add another chip 74HC595 to the circuit without using additional pins on the NodeMCU 1.0. 076b4e4f54

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